Welcome to the Peace Dome

Peace Is Built Through Communication, A Monthly Discussion
This month’s topic:
January 24, 2025 6:30PM Central Time
Click here to join zoom meeting
(different link from the daily reading)
The Universal Peace Covenant was created in 1996-7 by over two dozen spiritual teachers whose ancestral roots span the world. The timeless wisdom in the 577-word document serves as an instrument defining how to think peacefully and live peaceably in a world that is constantly changing. Read the Covenant with people around the world New Years Eve each year.
Will you make our goal, your goal, too?
Our goal is to make the Universal Truths expressed in THE UNIVERSAL PEACE COVENANT available to everyone on Earth. If you can translate the Covenant into your native tongue, please do so and email it to us. With your help we can share the inspiring wisdom in this visionary document with others.
Living Peaceably begins by Thinking Peacefully
An Hour of Peace …. A World of Difference
Join people around the world in celebrating a UNIVERSAL HOUR OF PEACE
from 11:30 pm December 31,2024 to 12:30 am January 1 2025 local time.
Proclaiming Peace For The New Year
Wherever you are … Whoever you are with … Begin each new year by reading the UNIVERSAL PEACE COVENANT at midnight December 31, 2024-January 1, 2025 local time.
Peacedome.org is the virtual hub of the global peace efforts sponsored by the School of Metaphysics.
From the local governmental level to efforts that span all seven continents, we endeavor to help create a world where people
live peaceably by thinking peacefully.
Peace Studies
Education for the Third MillenniumThe School of Metaphysics is a 501(c)(3) educational and service institution with 12 locations across the central United States. Peace studies are an integral part of our course of study in that they expand one’s sense of compassion, responsibility, and connection with all others.
The Invitation
The Invitation is a play that brings together 8 Nobel Peace Laureates, and answers the question, “How do we create peace in our world?” See the performance schedule, meet the laureates, and find out how to bring The Invitation to a city near you.
Universal Peace Covenant
Inspired during the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993, the Universal Peace Covenant was created by School of Metaphysics teachers and leaders so that people everywhere have a living, dynamic image of peace.
Lessons in Peacemaking
From universal harmonics to global delegations, our Peacemaking Lessons offer first-hand experiences with living peaceably and thinking peacefully.
“For millennia we have contemplated, reasoned, and practiced the idea of peace. Yet the capacity to sustain peace eludes us. To transcend the limits of our own thinking we must acknowledge that peace is more than the cessation of conflict. For peace to move across the face of the earth we must realize, as the great philosophers and leaders before us, that all people desire peace.”
-The Universal Peace Covenant
~~~~~ Join in a Peace Wave ~~~~~
Making History, Living the Future
From spiritual community gatherings to seminars and performances, School of Metaphysics students and teachers serve as Peace Ambassadors, bringing connection to the cities we serve.
The Peace Mandala
Inspired in meditation, designed by a Chicago student, the Peace Mandala is being constructed by those who make a pilgrimage to the Peace Dome. Each tile is enthused with a thought of peace and laid by hand. When completed, those who visit the dome will be in the presence of over 10,000 thoughts of peace created by people of all ages, backgrounds, and countries across the world.
Peace Dome • USA • tel. 1-417-345-8411
email: som@som.org
School of Metaphysics, est. 1973, on the web since 1996