One Voice

Bringing something new into the world

On October 11, 2003 at 1 pm central daylight time, people all over the world on every continent united in ONE VOICE reading the Universal Peace Covenant.

This "Moment of Peace" was declared by one president (Northern Cypress), two US governors (Tennessee and Iowa), and over a dozen mayors. This humble beginning reflected the attitude and stature of the reason for One Voice – the dedication of the Peace Dome.

Here are some of the stories of these pioneers in the realm of spirit, energy, and global transformation.

Voices from the Midwest

Voices from the United States

Voices from the World

Read about the amazing two day celebration in The Gambia

A Moment of Peace
The Peace Dome Experience

"I was a guide at the Metaform area, which is located between the reflective pool and Peace Dome. People were very interested and curious about the structure. We explained about sacred geometry and the shift in energy it causes. Everyone who stood in the Metaform commented with a positive experience. It was a really exciting and fun location. It is fun aiding people in a new exposure.

"I was deeply moved, several times to tears, during the dedication ceremony. The music moved and touched my heart and soul. The song “We Are One in the Spirit” especially, reminded me and brought back memories of my spiritual roots of church camps and retreats.

"Speaking of spiritual roots, I was particularly raised in the Mennonite faith so seeing the Mennonite family at the dedication ceremony moved my entire being. It was like being faced with, and virtually experiencing my personal past, present, future.... I am so grateful for all. As Dr Pam said, this day is a pilgrimage. The days leading to the Peace Dome Dedication the tune to 'We Are One in the Spirit' was running thru my mind.... after this event I truly know what means and that - we are."

–Donna K., Dental Hygienist, Des Moines

Peace Dome • USA • tel. 417-345-8411 email:

©2003- 2011 School of Metaphysics, est. 1973, on the web since 1996

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